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We’re just beyond the shortest day ‘the days get longer and the cold grows stronger’ – how true.

Despite the cold and frosty start there were 26 riders rolling in all chirpy to enjoy the company of fellow riders as we rode via the Mud Walls Road to Jericho and up to Bothwell via Melton Mowbray for welcome hot drinks before continuing on to Curringa Farm at Hamilton for a hearty farm café lunch.

We were bathed in beautiful sunshine and blue skies all the way to Bothwell but not a lot of heat was felt. The countryside is looking green and lush, Craigbourne Dam has filled considerably with the volume of rain during the week and the beautiful little Spring lambs in Winter were bouncing around like yo-yo’s in the paddocks obviously excited by the large number of bikes.

The temperature varied throughout the day between 2 and 9 degrees but free of wind and showers.

We left Bothwell in sunshine but half way through Hollow Tree Road we rode into dense cold fog which makes you want to do a ‘U’ turn and head back into the sun. A slow pace was taken as we approached the Lyell Highway taking care not to overshoot the T-junction before turning right towards Hamilton.

The riders who had a smug look were obviously enjoying heated seats, gloves, vests and maybe socks. We re-grouped in Hamilton before heading 2.5km over the back West of Hamilton to Curringa Farm where we were greeted by beautiful energetic Smithfield dogs. There was already a group inside doing the taste-testing when we arrived, having travelled by car. Glenn & Sylvia, Pete, Lois and Jan and our rider Andrew Main were soaking up the warmth from the very effective indoor heaters.

Pumpkin soup, steak burgers, toasties, scones with fresh jam and cream plus homemade cakes and hot drinks were all given the tick of approval. The staff were certainly kept busy taking our orders and serving everyone in pretty good time. We were in no hurry to leave but eventually the fog was lifting, the clock ticking and slowly the group headed out to enjoy the ride home.

Thanks to the property owners, Jane and Tim Parsons for the wonderful lunch and warm welcome. If you were unable to enjoy the ride today I’m quite sure there will be another in the future.